Community Based Entrepreneurship


of new jobs are generated by the gig economy


of the workforce is underemployed


of youth are jobless
Sambhav helps people liberate themselves from unemployment and create their own opportunities through entrepreneurship.

Our Approach

Access to Hard Infrastructure
Create training centres and learning hubs within local communities.
Access to
Quality Learning
Impart essential information and skills with the help of qualified trainers, differentiated curriculum and formative assessments.
Access to On-Job Work Skills - Gig Work
Provide experiential support at work, carry out field visits, and assist in planning and scheduling work.
Access to
Leverage technology to reach the right audience, utilize existing local ecosystems to seek opportunities, and provide working capital assistance.
Gig to
Help with the various stages of entrepreneurship, develop processes for business management, and gather people’s support.
Communities of Practice
Easy access to professional communities, networks for peer learning, and insightful interactions.
Ecosystem Development
Generate a close-knit ecosystem for women and youth, enable platform and community building with supporting policies.

Our impact

Lives Impacted
Impact Hours
0 Lac
Training hours per Candidate
Opticians Trained
Outlets Opened
Beneficiaries of affordable eye-care
0 Lac

Our partners

Ecosystem partners

Mohammad Kadar Gazi
I had never dreamed I would be able to open my own garage. I have been able to earn respect as an entrepreneur, support my family, and the education of my three sisters. None of this would be possible without the support I have received.

Mohammad Kader Gazi

Automobile Maintenance Trainee

This has been a great opportunity for me at a very tough tough time. All my earnings stopped due to COVID-19. The Sanitization and Hygiene Entrepreneurship Program helped me out of this situation and rebuilt my confidence, and I was able to help people stay safe during the pandemic.

Manoj Kumar

Sanitization and Hygiene Entrepreneur

I was provided with a sanitization kit after my training. Now I have started sanitizing the Panchayat office, shops, and vehicles. I'm able to earn 500 to 600 rupees per day and I'm helping to control the spread of disease.


Sanitization and Hygiene Entrepreneur

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